- THE LAB (interactive video on the ethics of research)
- Guidelines on avoiding plagiarism!!! Quick Guide More Complete Coverage
- Back by popular demand! Examples of same paper of mine, different lengths
- 14 page version (main text portion, I'm not counting Appendix)
- 10 page version
- 2 years later....final published version (different journal without tight space constraints, so actually longer)
- NEED A STATS REFRESHER--> check out www.statisticshowto.com (some specific links below)
- Hypothesis test (watch short video on 1-tail and 2-tail Z-tests....same idea for a t-test)
- Linear regression
- Excel Regression Explained (overview of interpreting standard multiple regression output from Excel)
- Other Youtube videos: 1-tail t-test multiple regression (in Excel) example Another Excel example
- Understandable Statistics Data Sets Stats Analysis Homework #1 Format for Homework #1 answers Homework #1 Answers
- Understandable Statistics Data Sets Stats Analysis Homework #2 Format for Homework #2 answers Homework #2 Answers
- Data sources (useful for possible paper topics):
- Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics (FBI crime data)
- Health data (from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control)
- Global Food Security Index
- World Bank (macro data on most countries for many years)
- St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank (more U.S. specific macro data)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (anything "labor" you can think of)
- Yahoo! finance (historical stock price data available here)
- Sports Data: Baseball Football Basketball
- HELP! I want to do a growth model (not my professor's area of expertise). Well, I asked our macro faculty, and if you are doing a GDP growth model, you want to track down the following:
- GDP growth rate (find data on GDP and create growth rate variable from that if needed)
- labor force growth rate (again, use annual labor force data and then create growth rate variable from that)
- Investment to GDP ratio (this is a measure of capital in a country. Some use a Foreign Investment variable for this instead).
- For whatever set of years for which you have data, many include the starting point GDP of each country in the regression as well.
- These variables above (Dep variable and 3 Independent variables) will allow you to estimate a model (several countries over several years, or several U.S. states over several years) where GDP growth is a function of labor and capital (other variables can be added to a basic growth model, like Educational Attainment, Exports/Imports, etc, but this is the basic core model).
- Note: if you use "per capita GDP growth", then the labor force growth rate is not necessary (ask me about it).
- Sample Annotated Bibliography (please follow this format)
- sample Prospectus Presentation slides